Thanks for the awesome detailed explanation :)

I talked to Voipfone(trunk) and they only allow registered endpoints to make/receive calls. So I can't do IP Auth as of now. 

I'll try the other method by rewriting $fu and $du. Hopefully that'll work.

Thanks for the help again. 


On 30-Apr-2015, at 9:18 am, SamyGo <> wrote:

Hi Jibran,

Here is an old thread as reference:

I wouldn't want to do the whole handshake of INVITE,PROXY-AUTH,INVITE with username/password on a Provider for huge number of calls..imagine sending thousands of call to that provider and for each call going through the trouble of exchanging authentication. 
Thats why its usually recommended to go with IP-Authentication only. Send INVITE and Provider says Lets do this call,simple and easy.

From the configuration perspective this is my idea of still using UAC.

- Call coming from FS on kamailio
- Rewrite the from-uri  (so the provider receives calls from the registered username)
- modify the to-domain part to contain the IP address of the provider
- set the $du to ip of the provider, and t_relay() the call.
- Most likely the Provider would say Proxy-Auth required..that can be caught in failure_route[]
- There you can call the uac_auth() function to have username.password attached to the response of above.
- once this function is successful send the INVITE again to the provider.

Last three steps can be the following snippet of code(reference from here):

failure_route[2] {
     if (t_check_status("40[17]")) {
	xlog("got challenged \n");
     	if (uac_auth()) {
	    xlog("auth was succesful \n");
            t_relay("udp:ip_addr:5060"); //provider's IP_ADDR

I hope you get IP Auth from the provider, and find the reply useful.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 4:49 PM, Ali Jibran <> wrote:

Hi all.
I have this setup.

I have a trunk from a sip provided and registered successfully with the UAC module. Incoming is working fine. I need to make out going through kamailio too.

I have it in the dialplan to forward the invite to kamailio from FreeSWITCH. I can see it the logs that it reaches kamailio. Now how do I make the call via the trunk?

Basically this is what I'm trying to workout

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
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