One my server with perl external script time to time is stopping processing SIP messages. Perl script make calls to kamailio database on mysql.

I have found this in logs

DEBUG: <core> [core/io_wait.h:380]: io_watch_add(): DBG: io_watch_add(0x56427eb40c40, 495, 2, 0x7f1a9f9ba408), fd_no=33
DEBUG: <core> [core/io_wait.h:602]: io_watch_del(): DBG: io_watch_del (0x56427eb40c40, 495, -1, 0x0) fd_no=34 called
DEBUG: <core> [core/tcp_main.c:4196]: handle_tcpconn_ev(): sending to child, events 1
DEBUG: <core> [core/tcp_main.c:3871]: send2child(): WARNING: no free tcp receiver, connection passed to the least busy one (56)
DEBUG: <core> [core/tcp_main.c:3875]: send2child(): selected tcp worker 4 20(24) for activity on [tcp:], 0x7f1a9f9ba408

And no next messages.

How get info what is load on "tcp receiver". This host in dev mode and handles not more 5 devices.
