It means that ser cannot find the transaction that this ACK should belong to and it thus tries to relay it to the request uri.
The matching is done using from tag, to tag and call-id, so you should check that these values match the CANCEL.

Ricardo Martinez wrote:
Problems with ACK

Hello List.
        I have a problem with an ACK message for a CANCEL.  I'm just wondering if anyone knows what could be happening here.  It seems that SER can't route or  "understand" this ACK

ACK SIP/2.0.
v: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2861608023.
f: "5502203289" <>;tag=1349608987.
t: <>;tag=f146818fa4.
i: 5c83a04822964085e07aabd210e9d72f@
CSeq: 4 ACK.
l: 0.

Could be something with the COMPACT form ???

This is the log from the debug :

Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: t_lookup_request: start searching: hash=52251, isACK=1
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: DEBUG: RFC3261 transaction matching failed
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: DEBUG: t_lookup_request: no transaction found
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: SER: forwarding ACK  statelessly 
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: DEBUG: mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup...
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: get_record: lookup(, 33) failed
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: sip_resolvehost: no SRV record found for, trying 'normal' lookup...

Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: check_via_address(,, 0)
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: Sending: ACK SIP/2.0^M Max-Forwards: 10^M Record-Route: <sip:;ftag=2639303304;lr=on>^M Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=0^M v: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK365542204^M f: "5502203289" <>;tag=2639303304^M t: <>;tag=2746a580a4^M i: 81983e61d980fd3ef0046dafe9518284@^M CSeq: 10 ACK^M l: 0^M ^M .

Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: orig. len=338, new_len=477, proto=1
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: receive_msg: cleaning up

What does it means : "RFC3261 transaction matching failed" and why ???

The weird situation happend when almost the same message arrives without the Compact Form :

ACK SIP/2.0.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2364391837.
From: "5502203289" <>;tag=827237367.
To: <>;tag=6b466391a4.
Call-ID: 43b2cc325b7fbe9f8790e4cee01dc4b3@
CSeq: 2 ACK.
Content-Length: 0.

This message works ok!.
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG: RFC3261 transaction matched, tid=424819551
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG: t_lookup_request: transaction found (T=0x404ce3e8)
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG: cleanup_uac_timers: RETR/FR timers reset
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG: add_to_tail_of_timer[2]: 0x404ce430
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: receive_msg: cleaning up

Can someone give me a hand here?
Thanks in advance

Ricardo Martinez-

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