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From: Enrico Bandiera <enrico.bandiera@cloud.timenet.it>
Date: mer 13 feb 2019 alle ore 09:18
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] pv_buffer_size config value actually ignored?
To: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com>

Hello Daniel, yes we do use that $avp for a log line which is actually a big json, the $avp is composed by multiple jansson_append calls and at the end an xlog() calls prints it
Could it also be that I'm miscalculating because of the encoding? 4K utf8 characters could be more than 4K (but I don't think there are so many multibytes characters to let it reach the 8K limit)

Il giorno mer 13 feb 2019 alle ore 09:15 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> ha scritto:


where do you use that avp, because for the avp value itself, that buffer is not used -- avp values are stored in shared memory.

Do you use that avp in xlog() or other functions parameters?


On 13.02.19 09:10, Enrico Bandiera wrote:
Hi, I'm having some strange issues with a somewhat big $avp value, when it reaches a size of about 4K I get this error:

29(47) ERROR: <core> [core/pvapi.c:1452]: pv_printf(): no more space for spec value
29(47) ERROR: <core> [core/pvapi.c:1461]: pv_printf(): buffer overflow – increase the buffer size...

In the docs I read that the default pv_buffer_size is 8K, I still tried to enforce it to something bigger and checked the logs to be sure it was set:

0(384) DEBUG: <core> [core/pvapi.c:2062]: pv_init_buffer(): PV print buffer initialized to [40][16384]

But still when reaching the 4K size inside the $avp that error comes out, is there any limit I'm not aware of?


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