
I don't understand the trouble:
Wouldn't the following lead to the exact example:

listen=tls: advertise teams.tutpro.com:8007

As soon as you do:
$fs = "tcp:";
(or put the other socket into $fs)

This results into two record-route headers, one with the hostname and one with the IP.

We use the Hostnames in all kinds of Record-Route and Via-Headers by doing exactly this.


Carsten Bock I CTO & Founder

ng-voice GmbH

Trostbrücke 1 I 20457 Hamburg I Germany
T +49 40 524 75 93-40 | M +49 179 2021244 I www.ng-voice.com

Registry Office at Local Court Hamburg, HRB 120189
Managing Directors: Dr. David Bachmann, Carsten Bock

Am Do., 11. Feb. 2021 um 09:45 Uhr schrieb Juha Heinanen <jh@tutpro.com>:
Sergey Safarov writes:

> Maybe need to move into more global changes...
> How about DNS hostname usage for all headers?
> "Via", "Record-Route" maybe "Contact" when Kamailio with extra modules
> play media?
> how about global directive like
> header_with_hostname=tue

I'm not sure if that is a good idea, since, for example, I would like to
keep on using IP address

Record-Route: <sip:teams.tutpro.com:8007;transport=tls;r2=on;lr;pm=0>
Record-Route: <sip:;transport=tcp;r2=on;lr;pm=0>

-- Juha

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