
been struggling to make a random sleep with cfgutils functions.

$avp(i:444) = 123;

gives an error:

ERROR: <core> [route.c:1189]: fix_actions(): fixing failed (code=-1) at cfg:/etc/kamailio/kamailio-sp1new.cfg:723

Kamailio version: 4.3

If usleep accepts only numbers, is there any other way to sleep by passing variable?

best regards,

Antanas Masevičius
Technikos Direktorius
UAB Nacionalinis telekomunikacijų tinklas
Panerių g. 51, LT-03160 Vilnius
Tel. 8 5 2056000
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El. p.: antanas.masevicius@ntt.lt
www.ntt.lt   |   www.spykas.com