I remember this problems is already solved on the list so try to find it. Anyway, it seems that your're missing the libmysqlclient library, you can search the web and find it and install it.
>Hi everyone,
>I have installed ser version 0.8.11 and I want to install the mysql
>package.But the problem is that the installation fails and I have
>the message:
>error: Failed dependencies:
>        libmysqlclient.so.10 is needed by ser-mysql-0.8.11-0
>        ser = 0.8.11 is needed by ser-mysql-0.8.11-0
>In fact I use the command : rpm -i ser-mysql-0.8.11-0.i386.rpm
>Can anyone explain me the source of the problem and how can I
>resolve it!!!???
>Thanks in advance!!!!
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