Hello Iņaki,

I had much the same traffic, and with a good index that wouldn't be a problem, IMHO. 
You could also load the table in memory, can't be faster than that.

Of course, doing it in the config script is faster, but it limits your flexibility... just a thought...
I even got the rate and created a "custom" cdr for each call. we had around 4k concurrent calls at that time (like 5 years ago)

Anyway, good luck!


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Iņaki Baz Castillo <ibc@aliax.net> wrote:
2011/6/6 David Villasmil <david.villasmil.work@gmail.com>:
> I connected to mysql and ran something like:
> select * from routes where '$rU' like concat(areacode,'%') order by
> len(areacode) desc limit 1;

Hi David, that would work indeed, but I prefer not to saturate the DB
with such a query which cannot use table indexes. My kamailio handles
2000-3000 concurrent calls and such calls come from callcenters so
they are very "aggressive" (maybe 200-300 calls in the same second),
so querying the database with a low performance query is not an option
in my case.


Iņaki Baz Castillo

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