we have checked the presence extension for DB_MODE only in the master branch. But it's not complete DB_ONLY mode, it seems that it still uses the cache for active_watchers in write through mode. Is there any reason for it? That can still make problem for the scalability for the multiple presence servers, because if an presence event (either SIP or XCAP) of an active subscription in the cache of one presence server, goes to another presence server, can still cause the problem even the DB is sync with the cache.

Best Regards,

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Henning Westerholt <henning.westerholt@1und1.de> wrote:
On Thursday 30 June 2011, laura testi wrote:
> [...]
> pres_refresh_watchers triggered by xcap message in another presence server:
> with the hashing over to uri in dispacther workaround, it seems solve the
> first problem for SIP/SIMPLE messages, but we have the same kind of
> problem for xcap message. For example, a subscription is in a local cache
> of one server, and the incomming xcap message related to the same
> subscription goes to another server, and this message trigger the
> pres_update_watchers pres_refresh_watchers presence functions from the
> configuration script in the server where there is no subscription in the
> local cache, then it send the wrong notify message. This can happen when a
> user add/remove a contact, and the SUBSCRIBE goes to one server and XCAP
> PUT goes to another server. Unfortunately there is no DB mode only in
> PRESENCE module like REGISTRAR module. The fallback to db can't help
> either for point 1 or for point 2. Can you help please?

Hi laura,

i can't comment on the other question, but Marius B did some presence
extensions in master branch a few month ago, that the presence module now
supports a db_mode module parameter including DB_ONLY. It will be in kamailio
3.2, maybe you can have a look to the master branch and backport it, if you
need it faster.

Best regards,
