Looks no, because connection must be established for handling it in the config file. This error fired by ssl library during Negotiation process.

But you can try tcpdump, at least you will see Who tries to established connection

On Tue, 15 Oct 2019, 15:51 Juha Heinanen, <jh@tutpro.com> wrote:
Sometimes I see in syslog errors like this:

Oct 15 16:44:57 salmon /usr/bin/sip-proxy[2064]: ERROR: tls [tls_util.h:42]: tls_err_ret(): TLS accept:error:1417C086:SSL routines:tls_process_client_certificate:certificate verify failed

Is it possible somehow to catch the error in config file, for example,
to figure out from which IP address the connection attempt came from?

-- Juha

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