i have been looking for a way to authenticate users based on the IP from they come from . Also i would like to limit the number of channels ( simultaneous calls) that each user can make . is their any way to do this using kamailio 3.0 and siremis 1.0 ?

my configuration is like this:

sipphones --->UserGroup1(Asterisk PBX)---->KamailioSipProxy--->AsteriskPSTNGateway--->PSTN

1. there can be many softphones on the user group 1 and there can be multiple calls coming from there at any time.
2. UserGroup1 is actually another SIP proxy [asterisk] with a fixed public IP
3. Kamailio Sip proxy is the one i am trying to configure . I would like to authenticate UserGroup1 based on its public IP address
4. From kamailio , calls will be forwarded to a asterisk pstn gateway. I would like to put restriction on this one : " User group 1 can not make more than 5 concurrent calls at a time"

can anyone give me some suggestion or point me in some direction where I can do some reading on this one.

Aslo , what would be best way to bill this UserGroup1 ? Using FreeRadius and CDRTool ?


Shrouk Khan (Khan)
System Administrator / Telecommunication System Developer
Office:   +354 4400807 (Reykjavik)
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Web: www.softverk.is

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