Please note that current ser 0.9.x does not have the fm style matching.  This was a small mod that was done to openser 0.9.4 (was it?) right before releasing (and that was never commited to ser). 
However, the ser 0.9.x avpops module can be replaced with the openser 0.9.4 avpops version.

Evan Borgström wrote:
	You can do it with the avpops module and a little crafty-ness. I did
something similar using this general logic.

	Store patterns in the database that will satisfy the fm style matching
of the avpops module (ie. "sip:00355*"), then load them with avp_db_load
and then run over it with avp_check on $ruri/username using the fm
operator and the g flag to check them all. If the avp_check succeeds
then you block the call, if not let the call through.


Robert Zorop wrote:
Hi, thanks for the response. The problem i have is a lot of this
destinations to block. Does someone knows a scalable method to do it? . I
think that writing a hundred of this entry should be slow at lookup time?..

2006/7/10, <>:
 try this:

        # block expensive area codes
        if (uri=~"^sip:00355[0-9].*@.*" |
        uri=~"^sip:00358830[0-9].*@.*" |
        uri=~"^sip:001670.*@.*" |
        uri=~"^sip:001671.*@.*" |
               ) {
                       sl_send_reply("409", "Country not in plan");

regards Christian


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