We have configured Kamailio IMS (P, I, S-CSCF) to use a single realm with the same NETWORKNAME and trying to make a call between bob and alice.
We are getting S-CSCF replies “Forbidden – Domain not served” in two scenarios:
In quick search we found that in scscf/kamailio.cfg route{ } implementation there is a case when this error is generated:
# Terminating
if (uri == myself || uri =~ "tel:.*") {
if (!term_impu_registered("location")) {
xlog("L_DBG", "We need to do an UNREG server SAR assignemnt");
assign_server_unreg("UNREG_SAR_REPLY", "location", "term");
} else {
sl_send_reply("403","Forbidden - Domain not served");
What is this error designed for? Also in general are we supposed to rework the routing code in Kamailio.cfg (P, S, I-CSCF)?
Thanks for any suggestions in advance.