done issue ser-334


On Dec 3, 2007 10:12 AM, Greger V. Teigre <> wrote:
Could you please post it on the tracker(
Please also include details on the OS and architecture.

Tomasz Zieleniewski wrote:

I was trying to set up media proxy module and after some time of debuging I discovered that the problems
were in the get_from_did(&did, msg) function. in mediaproxy.c file in line 469 there is such piece of code:
    if (get_from_did(&did, msg) == 0) {
   *type = "local";
   return did;

when this code is invoked the result is wrong. this is some nowhere pointer with the length of the field unpredictable.
after this invocation there is another piece of code wich tries to allocate some memory baseing on the length of the did string.(line 1449)
    cmdlen = callId.len + strlen(clientIP) + fromDomain.len + toDomain.len +
        userAgent.len*3 + infolen + 128;
   command = pkg_malloc(cmdlen);
    if (!command) {
        LOG(L_ERR, "error: use_media_proxy() - (!command): out of memory\n");
        return -1;

this causes out of memory error when value of fromDomain.len gives random big number(below example of one my shots)
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]:  route[MEDIA]: use_media_proxy()
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]: error: get_from_did - true
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]: error: callId.len: 44
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]: error: strlen(clientIP): 14
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]: error: fromDomain.len: 1235653920
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]: error: toDomain.len: 14
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]: error: userAgent.len*3: 96
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]: error: infolen: 107
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]: error: cmdlen 1235654349
Dec  2 18:17:17 rd ser[5884]: error: use_media_proxy() - (!command): out of memory

please, can someone check this and fix

best regards

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