Oh, yes — if the hyphen was a string literal it would have the same type conversion effect as adding an empty string into the mix.

Sent from mobile, with due apologies for brevity and errors.

On Jul 10, 2019, at 11:12 AM, Ilie Soltanici <iliusha.md@gmail.com> wrote:

Got it working by setting:

 $var(account)=$(au{s.select,0,-}{s.toupper}) + "-" + $(au{s.select,1,-});


În mie., 10 iul. 2019 la 15:13, Ilie Soltanici <iliusha.md@gmail.com> a scris:

Could someone help me to set a variable as a string in Kamailio?

At the moment i'm using the following statement: 

xlogl("L_INFO", "[1234] Account: $var( account)\n");

which is working fine, but i need to change it into:


By doing this I'm getting the error:

[core/rvalue.c:1007]: rval_get_int(): automatic string to int conversion for "AT" failed
[core/rvalue.c:1912]: rval_expr_eval_int(): rval expression conversion to int failed (729,30-729,59)

I tried also: 

$var(account)="" + "$(au{s.select,0,-}{s.toupper})-$(au{s.select,1,-})";

But, then I'm getting:
Account = $(au{s.select,0,-}{s.toupper})-$(au{s.select,1,-})
instead of the value.

What is the correct way to set it?

Thank you.
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