As far as I'm familiar with SER, you should add forward(IP addr) command to ser.cfg file.

For example:

if (uri=~"^sip:UserPart of RequestUri") {

                 rewritehostport(""); //use this in case you need to rewrite RequestURI host:port of invite

                 forward(IP,port); // forwarded INVITE IP:port

                 forward(IP,port); // forwarded INVITE IP:port





Evgeny Miloslavsky

Systest Engineer

Juniper Networks Solutions Israel LTD.

Office: 972-9-9717320/2355

-----Original Message-----
From: serusers-bounces@lists.iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces@lists.iptel.org] On Behalf Of Amanda Mattiuz
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 9:42 PM
To: serusers@lists.iptel.org
Subject: [Serusers] Forking Proxy


Hello all,


Is is possible to configure SER to act as a forking proxy, where the INVITE messages that arrive at the server are forwarded to multiple clients ins parallel?


I saw something about call hunt, but it seems that the INVITES are sent sequentially, could I make it become concurrently?


