Hello ,

I would like to use domain name of SER instead of IP adress during indetification

 I set dns=yes,rev_dns=yes and alias=”sip.siptest” in ser.cfg but something strange has happened. Sip Client nr1(it's number 204) sends “ INVITE sip:203@sip.siptest “ to SER and SER sends “INVITE sip:203@” to sip client nr2 (it's number 203). It looks very suspicious because SER should send “ INVITE sip:204@sip.siptest “ to client nr 2. It results in trouble when you try to phone from one client to another but reject the call on one client. One is disconnected and second one waits for a call .

Could you advice something ???

Pozdrawiam / Best Regards
Dariusz Grabias
SIEMENS Sp. z o.o.
Com SDC S&E C 5
ul. Strzegomska 52A, 53-311 Wroclaw, Poland
tel +48 71 79 92 695
mobile: +48 xxx xxx xxx