Hey Darren,

how do you issue the commad? I'm trying to add permanent location for a user and it's not working for me.


David Villasmil
phone: +34669448337

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 9:23 AM Darren Williams <support@directvoip.co.uk> wrote:
I am currently using multiple instances of Kamailio with a common database and using the usrloc module with db_mode=4 and server_id to filter the contacts that get loaded at startup on each server.

The problem I seem to have is that using the RPC call ul.add, I cannot see any parameter to send to specify the server_id. The server_id that the contact is given is 0. If I manually go into the db and modify the server_id everything works as expected. I think I must be missing something somewhere as I'm sure you shouldn't need to do this.

Can anyone help please.

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