
the following tutorial is a good start for doing kamailio and freeswitch integration:

- http://kb.asipto.com/freeswitch:kamailio-3.3.x-freeswitch-1.2.x-sbc

If you have to authenticate with username and password for the calls send to the providers, it is good to send them via freeswitch where you can configure gateways profiles that can do digest authentication. For doing it with kamailio only, look at uac module, but it has some limitations regarding call authentication in behalf of caller.

Hope it helps,

On 12/18/12 5:53 PM, Thomas Hoellriegel wrote:
Hi all,
I.m. a newbi in Kamailio.
My problem:
I.m. a blind user and i programmed a voicechat in Freeswitch.
3 have 2 sip providers.
vodafone.de sipgate.at and  freenet.de.

The problem:
i must register these  proviers in kamailio.
And forward all incoming calls to Freeswitch,
and outgoing calls from freeswitch to kamailio.
Dtmf modes are: auto  rfc2833 and inband.
Then i call:
i like to forward these calls to my freeswitch box.

the kamailio ip ist:
and the freeswitchbox:

Can your help me please?


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