Hello all of you,
I tried to install kamallio 3.3 version released a couple days ago . I followed the steps mentioned here https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/3.3.x/git
Everything works fine until I have to create mysql database . Everything goes fine until I have to install mysql database (step 7) : I run "sudo /usr/local/sbin/kamdbctl create" for database creation but I get this :

INFO: test server charset
/usr/local/lib/kamailio//kamctl/kamdbctl.mysql: line 105: mysql: command not found
/usr/local/lib/kamailio//kamctl/kamdbctl.mysql: line 106: mysql: command not found
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try `grep --help' for more information.
/usr/local/lib/kamailio//kamctl/kamdbctl.mysql: line 112: [: =: unary operator expected
INFO: creating database openser ...
/usr/local/lib/kamailio//kamctl/kamdbctl.mysql: line 71: mysql: command not found
ERROR: Creating core database and grant privileges failed!

It seems that mysql -serverside- is not installed (my opinion ...) .What do you think?
Many Thanks,

ps: please excuse me if this is not right forum for this question but I did not find the right one ....