El Thursday 04 September 2008 09:46:47 Steven Wu escribi:
> I just want use FQDN in my networking environment.
> MySJPhone use FQDNregister to OpenSER 1.2.2 but was rejected by 513
> Message to big. However it can be registed use the same profile just
> replace FQDN to IP address. The DNS query process worked fine and got the
> right IP address.
This occurs when the DNS points the domain to your OpenSer IP but OpenSer
doesn't now that this domain is himself, so when it receives the request it
performs a DNS query for that domain and forwards the request to that IP
(OpenSer again!!!), so you get an infinite loop and each step the size is
bigger since OpenSer adds a "Via" header in each step, until the request size
is too big.
or add your domain in your /etc/hosts.
Iaki Baz Castillo
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