Thanks for the advice. Krish

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Henning Westerholt <> wrote:
On Tuesday 06 March 2012, Krishna Kurapati wrote:
> It finally worked. I reconstructed the config file step by step with the
> same modparam() and it worked. Still not sure what really was wrong
> before.
> The other day, I tried to create routes for sending asynchronous messages
> to web service and the entire system  stopped working. The routes became
>  empty. The config parser never complained. I rebuilt the config file and
> checked to see if the file is ok by running Kamailio step by step. I could
> not trust kamailio config check since it is the one that threw me off
> track.
> Are there any best practices out there in constructing long config file?
> Is it possible to create smaller modular config files and link them to
> create the system? Or a better tool to identify errors in the config file?

Hi Krishna,

just some small suggestions, I'd suggest that you modularize your cfg in
smaller parts by using sub-routes which you call then from the main routing
logic. You can also use the "include" directive to move certain parts of the
configuration to separate files.

Viele Grüße/ best regards,

Henning Westerholt