
I changed the message between when I copied the code and the logs. Those lines are the lines that produce the error message.

As I mentioned in the original message - I'm aware that there's only one branch in the set. That is the case that this doesn't work. When there's one registration binding in the locations table, t_load_contacts doesn't seem to do anything and as a result t_next_contacts fails. Presumably I could add a special case to detect when there's only a single binding by looking at $branch(count), and not run this code, but that feels like a case that t_load_contacts should handle itself, no?


On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 12:35 PM Juha Heinanen <jh@tutpro.com> wrote:
Colin Morelli writes:

>  8(27) DEBUG: tm [t_serial.c:191]: t_load_contacts(): nr_branches is 0
>  8(27) DEBUG: tm [t_serial.c:194]: t_load_contacts(): nothing to do - only
> one contact!
>  8(27) DEBUG: tm [t_serial.c:455]: t_next_contacts(): no contacts in
> contacts_avp - we are done!
>  8(27) ERROR: <script>: t_next_contacts() failed

you "relevant part of the config" does not produce the above error

t_load_contacts(): nothing to do - only one contact! tells that there is
only one branch in the set.

-- Juha

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