pkg is out of free size, not shm. See the output for:
kamctl rpc pkg.stats
You may need to increase the pkg allocated pool with -M command line parameter.
On 02.10.18 20:02, Igor Olhovskiy wrote:Hi!What is the best way to debug messages like...29(42) ERROR: [core/mem/q_malloc.c:290]: qm_find_free(): qm_find_free(0x7fad301cf010, 56); Free fragment not found!
29(42) ERROR: [core/mem/q_malloc.c:423]: qm_malloc(): qm_malloc(0x7fad301cf010, 56) called from core: core/data_lump.c: dup_lump_list_r(537), module: core; Free fragment not found!
29(42) ERROR: [core/data_lump.c:573]: dup_lump_list_r(): out of mem
29(42) ERROR: [core/data_lump.c:573]: dup_lump_list_r(): out of mem
29(42) ERROR: [core/data_lump.c:573]: dup_lump_list_r(): out of mem
29(42) ERROR: [core/data_lump.c:573]: dup_lump_list_r(): out of mem
29(42) ERROR: [core/data_lump.c:573]: dup_lump_list_r(): out of mem
29(42) ERROR: [core/data_lump.c:573]: dup_lump_list_r(): out of mem
29(42) ERROR: [core/data_lump.c:573]: dup_lump_list_r(): out of mem
29(42) ERROR: [core/data_lump.c:573]: dup_lump_list_r(): out of mem
29(42) ERROR: tm [t_fwd.c:1735]: t_forward_nonack(): failure to add branchesCause core.shmmem showstotal: 536870912
free: 522859104
used: 12224144
real_used: 14011808
max_used: 14479048
fragments: 10560Alsomod.stats all pkg
Module: core
init_io_wait(475): 6960
init_io_wait(524): 6312
new_db_id(272): 512
dupl_string_name(72): 32
db_do_init2(298): 488
mk_switch_cond_table(43): 144
sr_wtimer_add(330): 48
as_asciiz(161): 24
init_modules(1026): 16
rpc_hash_add(146): 2048
db_allocate_columns(150): 32
db_new_result(114): 56
get_hdr_field(116): 1160
db_allocate_columns(160): 16
cnt_hash_add(383): 1024
register_select_table(458): 48
add_callback(59): 320
sr_wtimer_init(308): 136
cfg_new_group(79): 704
cfg_declare(50): 3360
fix_sock_str(420): 480
init_dst_set(83): 32208
grp_hash_add(234): 808
fix_hostname(1301): 152
add_alias(91): 464
add_alias(93): 256
dupl_string(48): 176
parse_headers(325): 432
subst_parser(291): 144
subst_parser(274): 64
exp_optimize_right(411): 24
fix_expr(541): 600
mk_case_stm(3775): 400
fixup_regexp_null(213): 72
mk_elem(90): 560
route_new_list(200): 1344
fix_param(1196): 1336
parse_select(204): 1488
fix_param(1257): 536
fix_match_rve(3028): 320
mk_rval_expr1(2616): 142656
tr_new(1646): 1464
fixup_pvar_all(279): 1624
fix_param(1162): 16144
mk_action(118): 350168
mk_rval_expr2(2674): 489552
mk_rval_expr_v(2537): 1475600
yyparse(2757): 8792
pv_parse_format(1150): 89064
pv_cache_add(347): 31456
parse_params2(585): 1400
set_mod_param_regex(110): 376
set_mod_param_regex(121): 832
tr_table_add(1875): 400
sr_cmd_exports_convert(235): 36288
register_module(280): 6624
load_module(496): 2640
new_sock_info(235): 224
fix_socket_list(1509): 48
new_sock_info(230): 3920
add_alias(93): 56
add_alias(91): 96
yyparse(1774): 64
yyparse(667): 152
yyparse(2306): 128
yyparse(648): 144
sr_push_yy_state(1666): 32
sr_push_yy_state(1656): 104
sr_push_yy_state(1596): 184
addstr(1413): 415752
rpc_hash_add(100): 25656
str_hash_alloc(59): 512
pv_table_add(236): 17864
pv_init_buffer(2055): 327680
pv_init_buffer(2045): 320
init_nonsip_hooks(43): 24
init_rlist(146): 8
mk_rval_expr_v(2548): 1264
route_add(124): 5872
str_hash_alloc(59): 768
rval_get_str(1256): 56632
pp_define(1788): 2248
init_counters(122): 128
cnt_hash_add(332): 20608
str_hash_alloc(59): 1280
Total: 3602152
Module: rtpengine
child_init(1812): 256
Total: 256
Module: db_mysql
db_mysql_new_connection(65): 96
db_mysql_new_connection(75): 3040
Total: 3136
Module: siptrace
mod_init(344): 384
Total: 384
Module: sl
sl_register_callback(460): 88
Total: 88
Module: acc
parse_acc_extra(116): 1512
Total: 1512
Module: dialog
dlg_bridge_init_hdrs(66): 80
Total: 80
Module: rr
register_rrcb(61): 80
Total: 80
Module: db_text
dbt_get_columns(67): 64
Total: 64
Module: permissions
get_pathname(242): 64
Total: 64
Module: auth
generate_random_secret(239): 32
generate_random_secret(238): 32
Total: 64
Module: xlog
mod_init(214): 4104
xdbg_fixup_helper(500): 6032
xlog_fixup_helper(535): 26992
Total: 37128
Module: dmq
make_socket_str_from_uri(149): 24
Total: 24
Module: sqlops
sqlops_tr_buffer_init(46): 2048
sql_init_con(83): 240
Total: 2288
Module: textops
tr_txt_parse_re(212): 32
hname_fixup(3217): 768
fixup_method(3287): 1384
Total: 2184
Module: pv
tr_parse_string(2343): 120
tr_parse_string(2332): 32
tr_parse_string(2378): 96
tr_parse_string(2368): 184
tr_parse_string(2544): 576
add_var(58): 3616
add_var(65): 1112
Total: 5736
Module: textopsx
fixup_hname_param(598): 352
Total: 352
Module: avpops
avpops_parse_pvar(57): 416
Total: 416
Module: userblacklist
check_blacklist_fixup(522): 16
Total: 16
Module: htable
fixup_ht_key(348): 176
pv_parse_ht_name(158): 520
Total: 696
Module: dialplan
dp_trans_fixup(396): 296
Total: 296
Module: dispatcher
Total: 0
Module: tmx
Total: 0
Module: tm
Total: 0
Module: kex
Total: 0
Module: usrloc
Total: 0
Module: topos
Total: 0
Module: utils
Total: 0
Module: app_python
Total: 0
Module: cfgutils
Total: 0
Module: nathelper
Total: 0
}Where is the place to look at? Means what module can cause this?
Regards, Igor
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-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda Kamailio World Conference -- www.kamailioworld.com Kamailio Advanced Training, Nov 12-14, 2018, in Berlin -- www.asipto.com