Hi, thanks a lot for this clue. Can u please paste some of the ser.cfg where u do this!? I don't have an idea of how this work. I'll read about, but u'll help me a lot with some cfg example.

Thanks in advance.

2006/7/10, Evan Borgström <evan.borgstrom@ca.mci.com>:

        You can do it with the avpops module and a little crafty-ness. I did
something similar using this general logic.

        Store patterns in the database that will satisfy the fm style matching
of the avpops module (ie. "sip:00355*"), then load them with avp_db_load
and then run over it with avp_check on $ruri/username using the fm
operator and the g flag to check them all. If the avp_check succeeds
then you block the call, if not let the call through.


Robert Zorop wrote:
> Hi, thanks for the response. The problem i have is a lot of this
> destinations to block. Does someone knows a scalable method to do it? . I
> think that writing a hundred of this entry should be slow at lookup time?..
> 2006/7/10, CM0002@aol.com <CM0002@aol.com>:
>>  try this:
>>         # block expensive area codes
>>         if (uri=~"^sip:00355[0-9].*@.*" |
>>         uri=~"^sip:00358830[0-9].*@.*" |
>>         uri=~"^sip:001670.*@.*" |
>>         uri=~"^sip:001671.*@.*" |
>>         uri=~"^sip:00247[0-9].*@.*"
>>                ) {
>>                        sl_send_reply("409", "Country not in plan");
>>                        break;
>>                 };
>> regards Christian
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