

I am having problems troubleshooting a problem I am experiencing with my SER configuration. I have ser 0.8.14 running with rtpproxy and nathelper enabled. I have two phones on the same subnet behind nat and I would like to make a call between the two. I want to invoke rtpproxy for this as they both have private address [I know this isn’t the most efficient way as they’re both on the same subnet but I can worry about that later].


When I ring from the phone 1 (2092) to phone 2 (2093), 2092 can hear voice but 2093 can’t. When 2093 ring 2092, there’s no audio. These phones are Grandstream BT100’s. They have been configured to listen on different SIP and RTP ports.


2092: SIP Port: 5060

2092: RTP Port: 5004

2093: SIP Port: 5061

2093: RTP Port: 5005


I have included my ser.cfg file the messages received on my SER server (using ngrep SIP-q)in an attachment. I can confirm that my rtpproxy is working (originally I thought it wasn’t) by using “strace –d <rtpproxy  pid> -f –F”. I can see a signal being returned.


Any help would be appreciated or advise as to how I can proceed troubleshooting.

Kindest Regards,


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