Hi all, I'm trying to make SEMS work.
First I was working with SER 0.8.14 and SEMS cvs but I always got the error consume_request(): consumed.
I only want SEMS for voicemail, so the list recommended that I downloaded the SEMS rel_0.8.12, which is supposed to be compatible with SER 0.8.14, but when  loading the plug-ins I get errors about undefined symbols. I've been reading previous posts and it seems that it's either an incompatibility between versions, or that SEMS is working with another version's modules or something like that. I don't know how to solve this. Here are the errors I'm getting:
       configuration file:  /usr/local/etc/sems/sems12.conf
       Ser's FIFO:          /tmp/ser_fifo
       our FIFO:            /tmp/am_fifo
       plug-in path:        /usr/local/src/sems_rel_0_8_12/lib
       daemon mode:         0
       local IP:  
(4851) DEBUG: main (sems.cpp:386): Loading application plug-ins
(4851) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:89): loading /usr/local/src/sems_rel_0_8_12/lib/apps/bot.so ...
(4851) ERROR: loadPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:103): AmPlugIn::loadPlugIn: /usr/local/src/sems_rel_0_8_12/lib/apps/bot.so: undefined symbol: _ZN12AmRequestUAC7dialoutERKSsS1_S1_S1_
(4851) ERROR: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:91): while loading plug-in '/usr/local/src/sems_rel_0_8_12/lib/apps/bot.so'
(4850) WARNING: sig_usr_fifo (sems.cpp:84): signal 17 received
(4850) INFO: sig_usr_fifo (sems.cpp:93): finished
Please help, thanks a lot,