I ‘ve rechecked on 4.1 the pid still missed but in 4.1 didn’t have  total_size: 0 so my script still working.

I ‘ll fix my script, thank for taking time for my case.

Below are logs on 4.1 :

             entry: 4

             pid: 0

             rank: 0

             used: 1098752

             free: 748081624

             real_used: 1650216



From: sr-users [mailto:sr-users-bounces@lists.sip-router.org] On Behalf Of Daniel-Constantin Mierla
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 2:07 PM
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Problem with command kamcmd pkg.stats on Kamailio 4.2.5



I don't recall any changes in this part for 4.1 to 4.2, we will investigate, but are you sure you got all ok in 4.1?


On 01/06/15 05:26, Dao Hai Dang wrote:


I need help with kamcmd pkg.stats on Kamailio 4.2.5.

When I used this command to check kamailio process, I get an entry with no pid and total_size param.

I used kamcmd ps and the process error was MI FIFO.


Same thing happened when I added snmpstats module, I get process SNMP AgentX with no pid and total_size param.


This didn’t happen when I use kamailio 4.1.x .

Below are logs :

[root@localhost ~]# kamcmd pkg.stats


             entry: 0

             pid: 1532

             rank: 0

             used: 376224

             free: 3718760

             real_used: 475544

             total_size: 4194304

             total_frags: 4



             entry: 1

             pid: 1534

             rank: 1

             used: 384496

             free: 3709368

             real_used: 484936

             total_size: 4194304

             total_frags: 22



             entry: 2

             pid: 1535

             rank: -1

             used: 384552

             free: 3710096

             real_used: 484208

             total_size: 4194304

             total_frags: 8



             entry: 3

             pid: 1536

             rank: -1

             used: 384552

             free: 3710096

             real_used: 484208

             total_size: 4194304

             total_frags: 8



             entry: 4

             pid: 0

             rank: 0

             used: 393744

             free: 3701072

             real_used: 493232

             total_size: 0

             total_frags: 4



             entry: 5

             pid: 1543

             rank: -2

             used: 383592

             free: 3710552

             real_used: 483752

             total_size: 4194304

             total_frags: 8



             entry: 6

             pid: 1544

             rank: -4

             used: 454392

             free: 3640424

             real_used: 553880

             total_size: 4194304

             total_frags: 4



[root@localhost ~]# kamcmd ps

1532     attendant

1534     udp receiver child=0 sock=

1535     slow timer

1536     timer

1537     MI FIFO

1543     ctl handler

1544     tcp main process


Thanks & Regards,

Dao Hai Dang


Solutions & Software Development Center | VNPT Technology
A member of VietNam Posts & Telecomunications Group


Addr     : 124 Hoang Quoc Viet, Ha Noi

Mobile : (+84 )912 363 579  - Skype : cnoob89

Office  (+84) 438 36 20 94 - ext 1222


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference, May 27-29, 2015
Berlin, Germany - http://www.kamailioworld.com