Hi all:

     I put example script file send_im.html/send_im.php in example/web_im direcotry into apache webroot.  Then I launch firefox,  fill in SIP Address and Message, click to send. But firefox don't response. The status bar indicated wait something.

     The fact is:
  1. openser load mi_fifo.so  correctly
  2. the fifo file /tmp/openser_fifo, with the permission 0666, everyone can read and write
  3. LOG message " DEBUG:mi_fifo:mi_fifo_server: entered consume", missing log "**** done consume"
  4. SIP Address was user registered on openser. From Header was another user who registered on openser.
  5. when I restart openser,  replace fifo cmd with ":get_statistics:", send_im.php works
      Anyone know why? How to send message via fifo, pelease let me know

Thanks in advance.

Chen Xueqin