Hello Kamailio Team!

I've tried following the documentation for http_async_query() with suspend=1 and not getting results I'm expecting. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the documentation. 

Basically I'm performing a http_async_query() with suspend set to 1 and a "route_name" set to HTTP_REPLY. 

When my query executes, it appears that Kamailio stops processing in that route block, suspends, and then when a reply is available, it continues in HTTP_REPLY. That makes sense. I pull the return value and set some $var and $avp. When I get to the end of the HTTP_REPLY block, I'm EXPECTING it to RESUME FROM the suspended location from the original route block, which it does NOT seem to do. Is that expected? 

For what it's worth, I did test just continuing my route logic in HTTP_REPLY and just forgetting about the original route block (moved all the remaining processing logic into HTTP_REPLY) However, existing $avp and $vars that were already set within the transaction were not set. So that's not possible either. 

I'm pretty sure there is a right way to do this without getting hacky. Can someone help me out? 

And yes, I know what I'm trying to do sounds like sync, but I want async to handle high volume and the potential for my external URL to lightly block. I believe the right way to do this is with async+suspending. 

Thank you,