You know, Greger... it's statements like that that absolutely terrify me away from trying to migrate our production setup to the new SER. :)

We use avpops for just about EVERYthing. :)  And I still don't understand the selects, though I've looked at them.

Daunting, I tell you.


On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 21:09:59 +0200, Greger V. Teigre wrote

> Note that avpops is deprecated in upcoming SER 2.0  (still present, but not maintained). Selects, avps and a couple of more powerful modules take over.
> See docs:
> You need an attribute column defined (in your dbscheme), which should be identified in the second param to avp_db_delete.
> g-)
> chungyu wrote:

> Dear all:
>  avpops module' exported function avp_db_delete() can do delete one record?

> example:
>            I use "test" as default table that has two fields.

> username |  number
> -------------------
> bob      |  1
> alice    |  1
> bob      |  2

> my configuration:
> modparam("avpops", "avp_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
> modparam("avpops", "avp_table", "test")
> modparam("avpops", "username_column", "username")
> modparam("avpops", "avp_aliases", "num=i:55")
> modparam("avpops", "db_scheme", "number_scheme:table=test;value_col=number;value_type=string")

> if (method=="INVITE"){
>    avp_db_load("$from/username", "$num/$number_scheme");   //load from table "test" ,number column as string value into AVP name '$num'
>    avp_db_delete("$from/username", "s:test")      //delete all bob' record
> };

> if bob calling then bob'record has deleted
> username  |  number
> --------------------
> alice     |  1

> But i want delete a record.
> ex: delete number value is 1 for bob

> username  |  number
> --------------------
> alice     |   1
> ---------------------
> bob       |   2

> avp_db_delete() can do delete one record?
> Another question is avp_db_store() can do insert new data in table?
> ex:  insert into test (username,number) values ("mary","3")
> username  |  number
> -------------------
> alice     |    1
> -------------------
> bob       |    2
> -------------------
> mary      |    3

> avp_db_store() can do it?
> sorry,I still can't understand what it mean about avp_db_store() and avp_db_delete().
> Can tell me?
> Thanks a lot in advance

> Chungyu

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