If you have call-id, from/to tags, then you can try dlg_get() and then dlg_bye().

Alternative, load jsonrpc-s module and use jsonrpc_exec(), with the rpc command that closes the dialg:

- http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/4.2.x/modules/jsonrpc-s.html#jsonrpc-s.f.jsonrpc_exec

The above one should allow executing any rpc command from config file as long as you make the proper jsonrpc format out of it.


On 30/12/14 12:46, Olle E. Johansson wrote:

On 30 Dec 2014, at 12:33, Dan-Cristian Bogos <danb.lists@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Guys

I need assistance for the following case:

I receive dialog_end request from external component in evapi:message-received block and would like to somehow kill the dialog corresponding to h_id and h_entry I get in the message. Is there any way to do that without involving mi_*?

Use RPC - it's not deprecated ;-)

I see that there's no dialog module function for this. But what happens if you set timeout to zero?


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