They indeed do :-) And the mistake was not a big one, it's just that people on the mailing lists have very limited knowledge of everything outside the mailing lists...
I sincerely hope to see VSP as open-source, it seems that it has a plugin-interface that I believe people would like to hack on... ;-)

Tudor Golubenco wrote:
Hi Greger,

Just wanted to say thanks for the appreciations and for the
observation. I was aware of the difference between and
iptelorg, but my wording was indeed not best chosen. I was referring to
Jiri, Nils and Jan. I guess they fit in both categories :-).


Greger V. Teigre wrote:
Hi Tudor,
First of all, let me point out a minor issue, but as there has been
(and obvious still is) a general confusion about it, I feel a need to
correct your reference to " staff" (though, don't take this
There is no such thing as staff. refers to an 
open-source community with no paid staff, but with sponsors and lots
of volunteers. However, you may refer to the company 
(, now a part of Tekelec Inc. is a sponsor of in both servers,
Internet access, and development work. (And I also want to point out
that the company Iptego is another of the important sponsors of was (unfortunately) named at a point where
the difference didn't seem important.

I find the VSP tool interesting and can clearly see its benefit. I
have seen that others have commented on the tool not being
open-source. I see the statistics for free SIP service as
interesting in itself and see no harm in Iptego as a sponsor offering
a commercial tool to the community (and not much difference from
other sponsor activities). Though, I don't think you should expect
too much feedback from the community as long as it is not
open-source ;-)


Tudor Golubenco wrote:
Hi SER users and devs,

During the past few months we, at Iptego, have been working on a
security and monitoring application for SIP sites, one of the
recurring subjects of the SER user meeting in Prague ;-). To be
short, VSP is a network intrusion detection system, which can sniff
the VoIP traffic, parse SIP messages and create alerts when
something seems wrong.

As the project evolved, we have presented our work to the
staff and, together with them, decided to make the monitoring
extension of VSP available to all public. So, if you're interested
in real time statistics of the SIP site, or in the
repartition of User-Agents, you can create your own graphs here:

We have already received great feedback from the guys and
I hope to get even more from the rest of community.

Disclaimer: The project is BETA for now and the graphs haven't been
verified yet. I wouldn't use them for anything important.

Tudor Golubenco