Hi fellows.

We are in trouble with this "deceitful" error. I mean, errors. Look at RURI. Our proxy receive this "thing". We have a number there! Sometimes, this number is shown within the word REGISTER, like that: "REGI:34846:STER". We can rewrite the URI, but Openser doesnt understand the method "REGI:34846:STER". Second error: Via header. The REGISTER is showing the NAT_DEVICE_IP instead UA_IP. And this VoIP isnt behind any VoIP device! So, "who" are changing it? "Who" can does it? Is possible that some "device" between UA and our proxy change the headers intentionaly?

This kind of problem had been happening some months ago and began at the same day to VoIPs were different regions of the country (Brazil). We would like to know with someone already has face it.

Thank you all.

Bruno Machado

U NAT_DEVICE_IP:50764 -> PROXY_IP:5060
REGISTER :50764sip:proxy.com.br SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP NAT_DEVICE_IP:50765;branch=z9hG4bK427600003ca00000
From: <sip:7011423@proxy.com.br>;tag=ab510000bf39ffff
To: <sip:7011423@proxy.com.br>
Contact: *
Call-ID: 499effff9ff20000@
Expires: 0
User-Agent: Grandstream HT386
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 0

U PROXY_IP:5060 -> NAT_DEVICE_IP:50765
SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP NAT_DEVICE_IP:50765;branch=z9hG4bK427600003ca00000
From: <sip:7011423@proxy.com.br>;tag=ab510000bf39ffff
To: <sip:7011423@proxy.com.br>;tag=22aae43fbf528d3860ded8429db379db.546f..Call-ID: 499effff9ff20000@
Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm="proxy.com.br", nonce="44edfeda1fe71fa609e7599bf2513e999e3741dd"
Content-Length: 0

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