
the sips Uri schemata is not used for tls with dispatcher. 

Here an example for flatfile dispatcher.list (need corrected values). 

The socket line must match an listen directive in your Kamailio.cfg. 

root@sbc1:~# cat /etc/kamailio/dispatcher.list
# setid(integer) destination(sip uri) flags (integer, optional), priority(int,opt), attrs (str,optional)
1007 sip:sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com;transport=tls 0 3 socket=tls:212.xx.xx.xx:5061;ping_from=sip:sbc-d01.yourdomain


sthustfo <sthustfo@gmail.com> schrieb am Mi., 6. Nov. 2019, 20:32:
I have a basic setup where kamailio receives SIP over websocket (no WSS) and forwards to SIP server over TLS. I have enabled TLS in kamailio.cfg and added dispatcher node as sips:SIP_SERVER:5061 and transport=tls.

| id | setid | destination            | flags | priority | attrs         | description    |
|  4 |     1 | sips: |     0 |        0 | transport=tls | SIP SERVER |

Now when REGISTER is received over websocket, kamailio is responding with error code 500 and phrase "500 I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/SL)". And on the console I see the following error messages.

12(33858) DEBUG: {1 2521 REGISTER o9q7ujqgin33qgp00abijv} <core> [core/md5utils.c:67]: MD5StringArray(): MD5 calculated: f1ecf7bcb659b07fe81e332e100044e5
12(33858) ERROR: {1 2521 REGISTER o9q7ujqgin33qgp00abijv} tm [ut.h:315]: uri2dst2(): no corresponding socket found for "" af 2 (tls:
12(33858) ERROR: {1 2521 REGISTER o9q7ujqgin33qgp00abijv} tm [t_fwd.c:467]: prepare_new_uac(): can't fwd to af 2, proto 3  (no corresponding listening socket)
12(33858) ERROR: {1 2521 REGISTER o9q7ujqgin33qgp00abijv} tm [t_fwd.c:1735]: t_forward_nonack(): failure to add branches

12(33858) DEBUG: {1 2521 REGISTER o9q7ujqgin33qgp00abijv} tm [t_funcs.c:334]: t_relay_to(): t_forward_nonack returned error -7 (-7)
12(33858) DEBUG: {1 2521 REGISTER o9q7ujqgin33qgp00abijv} tm [t_funcs.c:352]: t_relay_to(): -7 error reply generation delayed
12(33858) exec: {1 2521 REGISTER o9q7ujqgin33qgp00abijv} *** cfgtrace:request_route=[RELAY] c=[/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg] l=587 a=24 n=sl_reply_error
12(33858) DEBUG: {1 2521 REGISTER o9q7ujqgin33qgp00abijv} <core> [core/msg_translator.c:162]: check_via_address(): (, hsvmphm3ps12.invalid, 0)
12(33858) DEBUG: {1 2521 REGISTER o9q7ujqgin33qgp00abijv} websocket [ws_conn.c:452]: wsconn_get(): wsconn_get for id [3]

tls.cfg contents
method = TLSv1
verify_certificate = yes
require_certificate = yes
private_key = /home/test/kamailio/internal.key
certificate = /home/test/kamailio/internal.crt
ca_list = /home/test/kamailio/ca_list.pem

Any reason why this error is seen? Any inputs appreciated.

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