
starting with today, the release cycle for Kamailio (OpenSER) v1.5.0 enters in testing phase. Like in the past, this mean no new features will be added for a while, the focus is on testing, bug fixes and documentation improvements.

I can say, being here from day one, this upcoming release had a shorter development period, but it is the one with the largest new features set. See a summary here:

A special care was given to code cleanup and core. The core got slimmer - lot of config-related features were moved to modules, therefore now it is less exposed to bugs and more performant.

>From the project's environment:
- we got three new developers
- a brand new web management interface - http://siremis.asipto.com
- next week will be a meeting in Brussels, at Fosdem with many developers showing up there:

Worth to mention that this is the last release based on current core, next ones will use the SIP-Router.org core framework: http://sip-router.org, that will make possible to combine all the features from Kamailio (OpenSER), SIP Express Router (SER) and OpenIMSCore projects in a single application, in a collaboration environment sustained by the developers from all three projects.

First I want to thank to all developers for the work and time dedicated to develop version 1.5.0 and to our community members for valuable feedback and testing.

That being said, I invite everyone to test and report any issue found. To get the source code from SVN use:

svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/trunk kamailio

Please report to devel@lists.kamailio.org or project's tracker:

Daniel-Constantin Mierla