L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINIT_FAILURE nDevice=0 nLineInitStatus=LINIT_NO_PEER_XTU nLineInitSubStatus=LINIT_SUB_NONE W1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: unhandled event L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processed event L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=0000085F L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x0000085F, i.e. ORDERLY_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processed event L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=00000001 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x00000001, i.e. EXCEPTION L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS = DOWN W1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: xdsl line id 0 is using ptm tc, setting l2 interface status down on line state event /bin/sh: can't create /proc/dsl_tc/status: nonexistent directory W1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: cat: can't open '/proc/dsl_tc/status': No such file or directory L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processed event L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINIT_FAILURE nDevice=0 nLineInitStatus=LINIT_UNKNOWN nLineInitSubStatus=LINIT_SUB_S_INTENDED_LOCAL_SHUTDOWN W1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: unhandled event L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processed event L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=00000000 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x00000000, i.e. NOT_INITIALIZED L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processed event L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_AUTOBOOT_STATUS nDevice0 nStatus=3 nFirmwareRequestType=3 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: nFirmwareRequestType=3 (i.e. XDSL) L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: autoboot status=3 (i.e. DSL_AUTOBOOT_STATUS_FW_WAIT) L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processed eventae_vatm_client: atmdev=c6f27c00 signal=0, was 0 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:18:500 xdsl0: framer state is abort L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:18:510 OFInterface: Interface vcc1 phy status DOWN indication L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:18:510 OFInterface: Interface vcc0 phy status DOWN indication L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:18:510 xdsl0: framer state is ifc down L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request: L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, = ; state=6 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, = ; state=16 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): [33]; uri=[sip:0735594284@] L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [ ] L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq : <20> L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=182 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request: L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, = ; state=6 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, = ; state=16 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): [33]; uri=[sip:0735594284@] L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [ ] L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq : <20> L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - request - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [20 INVITE] L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/receive.c:242]: receive_msg(): preparing to run routing scripts... L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=529 global id=528 T start=(nil) L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=182 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:459]: t_lookup_request(): start searching: hash=26089, isACK=0 L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:417]: matching_3261(): RFC3261 transaction matching failed L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:641]: t_lookup_request(): no transaction found L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=529 global id=529 T end=(nil) L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: siputils [checks.c:120]: has_totag(): no totag L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=529 global id=529 T start=(nil) L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1076]: t_check_msg(): T previously sought and not found for msg (0x4818f0f4) W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: NOTICE: