The actual index.php pages for serweb are in the admin and user_interface folders that got extracted. Depending on how you extracted the files and where your phplib folder is, you may have to modify many of the php pages so that everything links up correctly. Your web browser should return an error telling you where the problem is if you have problems.
So go to
http://localhost/admin and you should see something. Check the link for Dan Austin's HOWTO. This doc is slightly dated so it doesn't all apply to serweb 0.8.11.
Hope this helps
t d <> wrote:
i've extract SERweb under the default directory of the
web server /var/www/html. The links for images and css
for the default web page did not appear. When i point
the browser to page.php, i see a blank page.
I then created test.php contaning "?>", that page displayed fine showing PHP version,
config etc. I'm missing something, someone help?
I am running redhat 9.0
PHP 4.2.2
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