

I am receiving calls from Vovida in SER.  I want to forward the call back to Vovida for a call forward application.  I can do this using 2 Marshal Servers or by a stateless Redirect.  Redirect doesn’t work for me b/c I want to keep track pf the call and if the called party doesn’t answer I want it to go to voicemail. 


If I attempt to forward the call back to the original Vovida Marshal Server,  the Marshal Server detects that it is already in the via and drops the packect sending a “482 Too Many Hops” message.  Any suggestions?


Call Flow


Doesn’t work


GW --- Vovida MS A   --Invite----à SER 

             Vovida MS A ß----Invite—SER




GW --- Vovida MS A   --Invite----à SER 

             Vovida MS B ß----Invite—SER




GW --- Vovida MS A   --Invite----à SER 

             Vovida MS B ß----Redirect “302 Temporarily Moved” —SER


So, If there was a way to get SER to initiate a new invite to the call forwarded destination, that is what I think would be the correct way.  I think this is how Asterisk does it from a call forward perspective.


Thanks in advance,
