I am trying to set up 2 sers with a shared MySQL database for location service. - server 1 (and MySQL DB) - server 2
I set in both ser.cfg:
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
modparam("usrloc", "db_url","sql://ser:heslo@")
Unfortunately, the second ser ( ) does not relay calls because it does not see the contacts in usrloc....
Even after reboot they are not synchronized (see below the output of serctl ul show)
I thought db_mode 2 means that ser should read contact list from DB (and write to DB)...What I missed?
Any help is highly appreciated!!!
software engineer
=====================server 1
domain: 'location'
aor   : 'tuka'
domain    : 'location'
aor       : 'tuka'
Contact   : 'sip:tuka@'
Expires   : 37
q         :       0.00
Call-ID   : '560A7CDDD007454085257F2B529045EE@'
CSeq      : 51963
replic    : 0
User-Agent: 'X-Lite release 1103m'
State     : CS_SYNC
Flags     : 0
next      : 0x0
prev      : 0x0
domain: 'location'
aor   : '10'
domain    : 'location'
aor       : '10'
Contact   : 'sip:100@'
Expires   : 79
q         :       0.00
Call-ID   : '77a4044d31169898427c3c556a5d128c@'
CSeq      : 1489
replic    : 0
User-Agent: 'Asterisk PBX'
State     : CS_SYNC
Flags     : 0
next      : 0x0
prev      : 0x0
domain: 'location'
aor   : '1111'
domain    : 'location'
aor       : '1111'
Contact   : 'sip:1111@'
Expires   : 79
q         :       0.00
Call-ID   : '000041a710d63af160b7acd93ab50c2a@'
CSeq      : 1489
replic    : 0
User-Agent: 'Asterisk PBX'
State     : CS_SYNC
Flags     : 0
next      : 0x0
prev      : 0x0
===/Domain list===
================================server 2:
domain: 'location'
aor   : '10'
domain    : 'location'
aor       : '10'
Contact   : 'sip:100@'
Expires   : 305
q         :       0.00
Call-ID   : '77a4044d31169898427c3c556a5d128c@'
CSeq      : 1486
replic    : 0
User-Agent: 'Asterisk PBX'
State     : CS_SYNC
Flags     : 0
next      : 0x0
prev      : 0x0
domain: 'location'
aor   : '1111'
domain    : 'location'
aor       : '1111'
Contact   : 'sip:1111@'
Expires   : 305
q         :       0.00
Call-ID   : '000041a710d63af160b7acd93ab50c2a@'
CSeq      : 1486
replic    : 0
User-Agent: 'Asterisk PBX'
State     : CS_SYNC
Flags     : 0
next      : 0x0
prev      : 0x0
===/Domain list===

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