Hi Atle,
I answer this as it affects everybody and not only bug/feature tracking.

 1. We have a page http://iptel.org/todos that covers all tasks on a high-level.

 2. We have http://iptel.org/ser/wishlist for adding ideas, improvements, and wishes that should be evaluated for next versions.

 3. Then we have the http://iptel.org/ser/roadmap for the "official" roadmap, i.e. the things that have been moved from the wishlist because it has a developer as a sponsor or has been decided to be important enough to be put there anyway.

 4. Finally, we have the bug tracker. You will find links from the wishlist and roadmap pages to summary tracker pages. Only larger stuff on an aggregate level will be put on the wishlist and roadmap, while bugs and minor stuff will be put in the tracker.  As the features on the roadmap matures (maybe specified in more detail on a discussion/specification http://iptel.org/ser/specifications), they will be detailed into tickets in the tracker.

Thus, the closer you get to a release, the more complete the tracker will be in terms of what is being done. Very early (like for the release beyond 2.0/Ottendorf) the wishlist and roadmap will be the place to look (+ bugs in the tracker), then later the roadmap will the most updated source for what is going into the next release, and more and more will be specified on the tracker as developers pick up features/tasks on the roadmap.

Does this make sense?  And do you still feel the need for a whatshappening page?  (I'm concerned about redundancy in information and the probability that such pages never will be up to date...)

Atle Samuelsen wrote:
Hi Lakman,

Welcome :-) Looking forward to seeing this happening :-D

My only idea in this aspect would only be to have a webpage, with a list
over what's happening. Something like : 

| fixing configurable natping  |                          |
| per users bases, and not for | Atle                     |
| all nated_users/everybody    |                          |
| Updateing Documentation      | Greger                   |
| makeing cool features        | Jan                      |

and also what Ticket number this is. New features that is in the "plan"
of beeing developed could be added a ticket for, and just put on the


- Atle

* lakmal silva <lakmal_sw@yahoo.se> [070221 18:18]:
Hi Greger and all,

Thank you for the warm welcome. I will try my best to perform what is expected of me as a Bug Marshal. If any of you have suggestions as to how this should be carried out and to make this process more effective for the development of SER, I would like to hearing from you.



"Greger V. Teigre" <greger@teigre.com> skrev: Hi all!

I'm pleased to announce that Lakmal Silva has volunteered to be our SER 
bug marshal!

Lakmal's main task will be to interface with the community and 
developers and make sure that bug fixes and feature requests don't 
disappear on the serusers and serdev mailing lists, as well as get them 
properly described/documented.  (Please continue to use the tracker or 
mailing lists as you are used to.)

The bug marshal's responsibilities are in more details:

 1. Scan the mailings lists for bug reports, patches, feature requests, 
and improvement suggestions and:
    a) make sure they are registered on either 
http://iptel.org/ser/wishlist or as a tracker item (unless a developer 
picks it up) with unscheduled status
    b) request more information/debug traces/patches/etc in order to 
make the item possible to act upon for a developer
    c) solicit input from the developer(s) if clarification is needed

 2. Pick up discussions on the mailing lists that concern new features, 
put new features on the wish list and if appropriate create a new 
specification/discussion page that will specify the feature in more 
detail and can be used for discussion purposes (examples: 

Please don't contact Lakmal in private emails, but use the mailing lists 
if you have questions/issues.
On behalf of the SER community, I welcome Lakmal and wish him luck in 
his new role as SER bug marshal!
Serdev mailing list


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