I have configured Kamailio (4.0.3) with mediaproxy server, with this set-up audio/video calls are going good and hence NAT issue has solved.
I have used two soft clients: 1) IMSDroid 2) Bria.
But i have a query about media-proxy statistics i.e in the syslog, the info about media-proxy activity is shown as below:
Case 1: when Call between two IMSDroid clients.
caller_codec : 'Unknown(73)'
callee_codec : 'Unknown(73)'
callee_ua : 'unknown agent'.
Case 2 : When call between two Bria clients.
'callee_ua': 'unknown agent'.
(Calls using Bria clients media-proxy's syslog shows Audio codec names, but using IMSdroid clients it is showing 'Unknown' for Audio codec names ).
Find the attachment below for the full syslog about the mentioned unknown behaviour. And also find my kamailio.cfg file.