Hello Everybody,

I'm working  on openser, recently I install freeradius for "AAA".

By seeing the Documentation from " http://openser.org/docs/openser-radius-1.0.x.html
I followed that.

While testing the  radius server by ' radiusd -X "  its shows

radiusd.conf[1840] unknown Auth-type " Digest" in authenticate section ---> what its means.

And also

By Typing '" radtest 444 444 1812 radiustest " its shows below one.

Sending Access-Request of id 236 to port 1812
        User-Name = "444"
        User-Password = "444"
        NAS-IP-Address =
Re-sending Access-Request of id 236 to port 1812
        User-Name = "444"
        User-Password = "444"
        NAS-IP-Address =

What its means one . Is it error ?

I run this in my box .
where in my box installed openser , freeradius and radiusclinet-ng..

Please help me and main thing is, Is any mistakes in my english please excuse me..

Thanks and Regards with cheers
Sunkara Ravi Prakash (Voip Developer) ravi.sunkara@hyperion-tech.com
Hyperion Technology