I see lots of aliases for the amount of users you have...are they the expected values?
Are there any ohter services/processes runing on the same host?



2007/6/21, Arun Kumar <arunvoip@gmail.com>:

thanks for reply. Im not using any prop. modules. Im using call forwarding .cfg from ser getting started file. 

UsrLoc Stats
Domain Registered Expired
'location' 330 2620
'aliases' 111810 0


On 6/21/07, samuel < samu60@gmail.com> wrote:
Not that I know of....I have used it for quite a loooong time without anything similar.

Are you using proprietary modules?
Can you, please, post the config?


2007/6/21, Arun Kumar < arunvoip@gmail.com>:
Hi All,

please can some one tell me is there any memory leak with ser-0.9.6. It runs fine for few days and then starts some memory related problems in that case I've to restart my ser. I've 2GB of physical RAM in my machine with Quad Core cpu. but now I've only 70MB free out of 2 GB in max 1 day It will start to give me again error.

I've compiled my ser with 512MB Private Memory and running with 100MB shared memory.

please help soon.



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