
avp_db_query(query[,dest]) can get a database query and store the results in the avps.

But what if the results returns many rows,and how can I get all the results? How to set the [dest] parameter ?

I've tried the method describered in http://www.kamailio.org/docs/avp_db_query.html,but it doesn't work.

like below

mysql<select mem_user from tgroup where grp_name='1234';


| mem_user |


| 1013     |

| 2013     |


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


if(avp_db_query("select mem_user from tgroup where grp_name='1234'","$avp(name)"))


       xlog("L_INFO","query results[1] :$avp(name[1])\n");

       xlog("L_INFO","query results[2] :$avp(name[2])\n");



<INFO> query results[1] :<null>

<INFO> query results[2] :<null>

version: kamailio 3.0.2 MySQL 5.0


thank you very much!