Getting an Error:
 0(23634) INFO: rr [rr_mod.c:175]: mod_init(): outbound module not available
 0(23634) ERROR: <core> [db.c:203]: db_bind_mod(): Module db_DBURL not found. Missing loadmodule?
 0(23634) ERROR: lcr [lcr_mod.c:389]: lcr_db_bind(): unable to bind to the database module
 0(23634) ERROR: lcr [lcr_mod.c:430]: mod_init(): no database module found
 0(23634) ERROR: <core> [core/sr_module.c:968]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module lcr (/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/

I am not sure what else need to be do?

Kindly Guid me to solve this issue, I am an begineer

On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 5:52 PM, Juha Heinanen <> wrote:
Logeshwaran G writes:

> Getting Error while executing kamailio,
>  0(16640) ERROR: lcr [lcr_mod.c:479]: mod_init(): AVP gw_uri_avp has not
> been defined

Read lcr/README carefully before trying to use the module.

-- Juha


3.28. gw_uri_avp (AVP string)

Internal AVP that load_gws() function uses to store information of
matching gateways.

There is NO default value, thus this variable must be defined in

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