Hi guys,

i think i have stumbled on an msilo bug.
m_dump() is not working. 

kamctl fifo get_statistics all | grep mess
msilo:dumped_messages = 0
msilo:failed_messages = 0
msilo:stored_messages = 1

so here we can see there is a message to be delivered.
i turned on debug mode, then the intended destination of message logs in.
then this is what i see on logs

DEBUG: msilo [msilo.c:1082]: m_dump(): dumping [1] messages for <sip:XX85X80X74@1X8.1X9.1X7.1X3>!!!
DEBUG: msilo [ms_msg_list.c:169]: msg_list_check_msg(): checking msgid=405
DEBUG: msilo [ms_msg_list.c:207]: msg_list_check_msg(): msg already in sent list.
DEBUG: msilo [msilo.c:1089]: m_dump(): message[0] mid=405 already sent.

using ngrep, no message was ever seen on the wire.

kamctl fifo get_statistics all | grep mess
msilo:dumped_messages = 0
msilo:failed_messages = 0
msilo:stored_messages = 1

still the same.
anybody experienced this?

Kelvin Chua