
I am a new user of Kamailio, and I am working on enabling the App_Python module in Kamailio..


While searching on google, I came acroos your email on the forum where you people are trying to patch the App_Python module..


I am wandering whether you can please help a bit .. 


1-      How to do the configuration to enable the App_python module ? .. At the moment, I am just adding the following line in the configuration file, loadmodule “app_python.so” and just correcting the path to handler.py to the right directory in the code for script path.

2-      What output we should expect when we enable the app_python module ? .. I have seen the handler.py script written in python which is printing some sip message information ? ..

3-      How the SIP Message structure is being passed to handler.py ? … How we are accessing the Router module in handler.py script and LM_ERR function from Kamailio ? ..

Any help in this regards shall be really helpful .. In any case, whether you can solve this issue or not, please reply the email..


With many thanks..


Kind Regards,
