

There has been other posts as to how to make SER send an INVITE when it gets a 302 Moved Temporaily back from downstream.  And it seems that it may be possible to do with AVPOPS, or other scripting methods. 


The question I have is, what is the reason not to have that functionality built into SER or the option to not “relay back upstream” the 302, but have SER process the message?  Is there something I am missing?



Call Flow Not Supported Out of the Box


INVITE ------------------------à   SER                                            SIP SERVER

          ß---------- 100Trying          ------------------à INVITE

ß---------------- 302 Moved             ß---------------- 302 Moved



Instead of


INVITE ------------------------à   SER                                            SIP SERVER

          ß---------- 100Trying          ------------------à INVITE

                                                ß---------------- 302 Moved

                                                --------------------------------------------INVITE -------------------à Another SIP Server or UA


