
from_tag and to_tag are actually crucial to match the invite and the bye records. call-id is usually unique per call, but by SIP RFC, a dialog is identified by (call-id, from-tag, to-tag) you have to use all three for matching.

Back to the question, I don't think at this moment is any option to disable storing those values, c coding would be needed to make that optional.


On 20.03.19 22:49, Z wrote:

I am using acc module for mainly duration. However, from_user, to_user, xcarrier etc are also important here. Was just curios if we can remove unnecessary columns someway since first insert is coming from acc_db_request. Alternatively, I can use sqlops. Please let me know.

Appreciate you help.


On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 12:20 PM Henning Westerholt <hw@kamailio.org> wrote:
Am Dienstag, 19. März 2019, 06:20:43 CET schrieb Z:
> The version is 4.2 on Debian stretch.
> Please advise how one can ignore/skip/remove *from_tag* and *to_tag* in
> *acc_db_request* from *acc module* in Kamailio.cfg.
> Appreciate your help.

Hello Z,

please don't address individual persons if you write to this list, there are
many people subscribed. :-)

The two tags are output important, as the acc module does not write complete
dialogs, only SIP transactions. You'll probably need them to do proper

Maybe you can explain what do you want to achieve?

Best regards,


Henning Westerholt - https://skalatan.de/blog/
Kamailio services - https://skalatan.de/services

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